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How did we end up in the Open Ocean of the Coast of Newport Beach, CA doing 45 Kts on the James Bond-like slick & shiny Vendetta, and almost blowing my eardrums off?! Well, it all started with a phone call... Producer Michael called and said he wants Rico & I help him get his "boating mojo" back and find his next Yacht!!! Since he is not your average kind of a guy, we were quite intrigued by the challenge and had to think outside the box.
The West Coast is full of eclectic & vibrant personalities without many financial limitations, but when it comes to yachting we are definitely living in the shadows of Florida, especially Miami. So we put on our thinking hats and come up with a few west coast based yacht options to show Michael (all very different from each other) in hopes to inspire him to get back into boating again. Vendetta was the first yacht that came to my mind! As we did our full walkthrough a few months back WATCH HERE, I have been obsessed with an idea of taking her out for a spin! So I called Rudy, who was one of the coolest yacht owners we have ever met, and asked him to take us out... you know how there are always 2 sides to each story... well THIS is ours and THIS one is Michael's. lol This video is the first in the Producer Michael Yacht Shopping Series... enjoy the ride! Comments are closed.
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